Causes of psoriasis

the main causes of psoriasis

Psoriasis or squamous lichen is a chronic infection that manifests as a reddish, scaly rash on the skin, accompanied by itching and irritation. There can be several causes of psoriasis. When damaged, the division of skin cells occurs thirty times faster than normal, causing discomfort and the appearance of scales. This also damages the immune system, which works against its own cells, causing chronic inflammation.

Symptoms and causes

A common symptom of the disease is changes in the skin folds of the joints and scalp. The spots that appear have grayish or white scales that can be easily removed. The progressive stage is characterized by the appearance of spots in places subject to mechanical stress - friction and the like. In addition to the skin, the injury often affects the hair, internal organs, nails, and joints.

The most common reasons are:

  • Immune system dysfunction.T cells are cells of the immune system that normally defend the body against viruses and bacteria. In people with psoriasis, T cells mistakenly attack healthy skin cells. This immune response causes the body to malfunction, including widening of blood vessels and increasing white blood cells, which stimulate the skin to produce new cells faster than the skin regenerates. The accumulation of new cells on the surface of the skin leads to the development of thick itchy patches.
  • Inheritance.Research has shown that if a parent has lichen squamous, there is a 15 percent chance that the child will develop it. If both parents are affected, the chance of development is 75 percent.
  • Endocrine system failure.The endocrine system is a network of hormone-secreting glands that help control many important bodily functions. Failure of one of these glands can cause ailment.

Minor reasons:

  • Any infection can cause psoriasis by putting pressure on the immune system and provoking an inflammatory response. However, lichen scale outbreaks can occur after a respiratory or skin infection. These types of infections can usually be prevented with proper personal hygiene. Make sure you wash your hands often enough throughout the day. You should also avoid sharing glasses and silverware with other people. It is important to properly disinfect the wounds or cuts and make sure that no infection arrives.
  • Skin trauma, burns, and scratches can lead to infections in some people. You should always take extra precautions when taking actions that could cause injury. Wear sunscreen or wear a hat when it's sunny outside. Care must also be taken when participating in outdoor activities.
  • While stress has a negative effect on someone, it is especially troublesome for people with psoriasis. The body tends to have an inflammatory response to stress. You should try to reduce the amount of stress in your life.
  • If you are obese or overweight, this will only make your condition worse. Therefore, it is important to control your weight through the regular practice of a healthy diet. If you are having trouble with proper nutrition, you should consult a dietitian for help. It can help you determine what foods and how much to consume during the day.

Risk group

Squamous lichen affects approximately 3% of people worldwide. Research shows a significant increase in outbreaks in the last 30 years.

Psoriasis affects men and women equally. The disease can begin at any age, but occurs most often between the ages of 15 to 35 and 50 to 60 years. The average age is 28 years.

The disease usually begins or worsens due to certain factors that should be avoided whenever possible.

Reasons that cause or exacerbate lichen peeling include:

  • Hypothermia may be one of the reasons for the development of the disease or its exacerbation.
  • Alcohol consumption is also a provoking factor that causes the inflammatory process to spread, shortens the remission period and increases the risk of complications.
  • Not only does smoking increase the risk of disease, it can also increase the severity of the disease. Smoking also plays a role in the initial development of squamous lichen.
  • Having another autoimmune disorder, such as AIDS or rheumatoid arthritis.
  • Infections that cause a weakened immune system such as sore throat, tonsillitis, pharyngitis.
  • Excessive stress, tension and anxiety.
  • Certain medications, such as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), beta-blockers, and medications that contain lithium

Unfortunately, modern medicine cannot guarantee a complete cure for the disease, but the condition can be alleviated with the help of a therapy that, with an integrated approach, will minimize the manifestations of the disease. Most often, preparations containing vitamin D, tar and activated zinc are prescribed for external use. For oral administration, drugs are created with cytostatics, corticosteroids and immunomodulators designed to regulate cell division in affected areas, control metabolism, and restore immune responses in the body.

It is difficult for people with psoriasis to accept their diagnosis, which is why a person experiences severe discomfort when communicating with others, problems with social adjustment, difficulties in work and family life. It is important to prevent social isolation and depression, which can lead to the appearance of psychological deviations and suicidal thoughts. It is important to support the patient and, if necessary, refer him to a psychotherapist for consultation.

Psoriasis in children

Squamous lichen in children is quite common, particularly those under one year of age. The disease generally progresses during the winter season. Girls are more likely to get sick.

Childhood psoriasis is different from that of an adult. In children, the amount of protein in the blood increases and the amount of heparin decreases. The disease is hereditary and genetic. However, the disease, despite a long study, remains unknown. In addition to heredity, the disease arises from a weak immune system, flu, and various skin diseases. The reason may be a stressful situation.

The main symptoms of the disease are cracks on the legs and palms. Subungual hyperkeratosis is possible. Lymph nodes become swollen and painful.

The treatment includes various ointments and sun baths. With congenital ichthyosis, most of the skin is affected.

With Leiner's erythroderma, anemia, sepsis, pneumonia appear. This shape is typical for newborn babies. After a couple of months, the baby returns to normal.

In children older than 8 years, the disease is less common. It is advisable to carry out a timely prevention of the disease with home remedies.

Psoriasis of the scalp

Psoriasis on the head is doubly unpleasant, as it can spoil the beauty of the hair and any hairstyle. This type of disease is characterized by increased dryness of the head and significant keratinization of the skin. The scalp is covered with dry sores that peel off, the blisters on the body itch like bites. Hair loss and abundant dandruff begin, which differs from the usual seborrhea.

To get rid of flaky scalp, it is important to know the cause of its appearance and act first. Before starting treatment, it is necessary to undergo an examination and identify the main problem causing the external changes. For the treatment and prevention of squamous lichen, it is necessary to adjust the diet, change taste preferences, use medicated ointments and creams, shampoos, lotions, take herbal baths. Treatment at home is better to take courses and take a break for a month. The simultaneous use of several medicinal ointments is not recommended.

Prevention and treatment of the scalp

Use lavender, chamomile, bergamot, and geranium essential oils to rub into hair roots.

Butter mask

Mix one teaspoon of butter (melted) with half a teaspoon of mustard and five tablespoons of St. John's wort. Stir the mixture well and apply it to the scalp with a cotton ball. Apply the mask for a few minutes and rinse. Then apply a nourishing cream. The procedure should be done once a week.

Solid oil mask

Take Vaseline or fat 500 grams, mix with two fresh chicken proteins. Add a tablespoon and a half of chopped and sifted celandine herb to the batter and mix again. Perform the procedure for four months.

Traditional methods of treating hand and foot diseases


Lubricate affected areas with sea buckthorn oil, which should also be taken orally every day, one teaspoon at a time.


Squeeze 300 grams of fresh celandine. This is best done after running the herb through a meat grinder and adding wine. Using a cotton swab dipped in the prepared product, gently clean the affected areas. Wash off after 15 minutes with clean water.

Mustard mix

The procedure is performed once a week. Mix half a teaspoon of dry mustard with warm St. John's wort broth (5 tbsp. L. ). Pour in a teaspoon of melted butter. Apply the resulting product on the damaged body with a cotton swab. After a few minutes, wash it off under cool running water. Lubricate the areas with moisturizer.

Birch Tar

Dagtem is gently spread over raised, inflamed areas. After an hour, wash off. To achieve the result, you need to perform at least fifteen procedures.

Healing Ointment

Mix fresh egg white with 250 grams of fat (you can take light Vaseline) and a tablespoon of finely ground linden honey and celandine. Therapy lasts from one to four months.


Eggs are excluded from the diet during this period. Preference should be given to boiled meat, dairy products, vegetables and fruits. Squamous lichen requires long-term treatment, in combination with other drugs. Done, it must be supervised by an experienced specialist. In the course of therapy, diet foods, fatty and spicy foods will be prescribed, alcoholic beverages will be removed from food.